Nordic Notes

By: Kathie Bonner-Harris

December 10, 2001

The snow has FINALLY arrived and everyone at the ski chalet is delighted. Club president, Gerry Rideout, had tears in his eyes as he watched the snow fall all day Saturday. It was indeed a wonderful sight. I only wish it had arrived a week earlier for the Fall Training Camp but there are some things we have no control over. It's here now and the trails are starting to take shape for a busy ski season. The 5km trail and Around the Lake have been tracked and the 15km system was groomed for skating last week. We will still need another significant snowfall to cover all the alders and open up all the trails. Listen to CFLW Ski Report for updates on trail conditions or call the chalet office .

Our Early Membership Drive ended on November 30th and all the names were entered for a prize draw. The lucky winner of a new pair of Louis Garneau ski gloves was Wilbert Stoyles. I know for a fact that those gloves will get plenty of use since Wilbert is on the trails everyday. He already has over 300kms skied this season.

The Jackrabbit Program should be underway by the time this hits the paper. We had to keep postponing it because of the lack of snow. On December 15th we will be having our Christmas party for all the kids in the program up at the chalet. Lots of fun for everyone.

Please remember to purchase your membership and get you ski tags for this ski season. Your tags must be displayed on your ski gear when you are using the trail system. If you bought your membership last spring and did not receive your tags, they are waiting to be picked up at the office. Don't forget to ask for your Ski Free coupon with your paid membership. Pass this coupon on to a friend and they can come with you for a day of free skiing, equipment included.

Ski memberships, day passes and certificates for ski lessons all make wonderful Christmas gifts. Just think, you'll be giving someone all the benefits of fresh air, sunshine and exercise all wrapped up in one gift. What better way to show how much you care?

Early in the new year the club will be having a fundraiser. The draw will consist of a first place prize of a 43 inch T.V., a second place prize for $500.00 and a third place prize of $250.00. The tickets will be three for $5.00 and should be available soon. Tickets will be available at the chalet or through club members.

See you on the trails.