Labrador Adventures & Outfitting Ltd. Snowmobile Tours
2 SEASONS - "Last winter and this winter"

"Do Not follow where the path may lead but go where there is no path and leave a trail"


Our all-inclusive tours are very personalized (never exceeding 8 people) and we will look after everything making your tour worry free. Labrador Adventures & Outfitting Ltd.will help you explore Labrador  using Labrador guides that have extensive knowledge of the outdoors and especially of this area . They have great leadership skills and  a vast knowledge of the area both the natural and cultural history.

This area has been used extensively by native Labradoreans for years for hunting and fishing. Only recently since the White Wolf Snowmobile Club was formed that we have  a trail system that is excellent. Labrador Adventures & Outfitting Ltd. lodge is located along the White Wolf Snowmobile Trail system. We are ideally situated to accommodate the snowmobiler who wants bernontrail.jpg (38846 bytes)to avail of the groomed trails or would like to do some adventuresome snowmobiling off the trails. We have an abundance of snow, lasting until the end of April and  the ice in the lakes get as much as 5 feet thick.

Our main  lodge which is built entirely of logs and has cooking and dining facilities. Guest can also stay in a more private cabin away from the main lodge. Labrador Adventures & Outfitting Ltd. can take you to view caribou from the George River Caribou herd that migrate to the Labrador West area each year to feed. This is a great opportunity to get a close up view of the caribou and get some photos. As well, we couldn't talk about snowmobiling without mentioning  how beautiful the northern lights are in the clear cool skies in Labrador. The people in this part of  Labrador have a saying here," We have two seasons, this winter and last winter".

On your tour you are likely to  see wolves, foxes, caribou, Willow Ptarmigan, the Northern Lights etc.  You will also experience the true beauty of the Labrador wilderness as you ride your snowmobile through this vast winter wilderness. Labrador is famous for it's great Hospitality and everyone who visits will be treated to this Hospitality every day as well as great home cooked meals.

While you are on your tour we can arrange a dog sled ride for any guests interested at a small additional charge.

So if you enjoy lots of snowmobiling and Dog sledding and the Great Outdoors come to Labrador for a trip you will talk about for years to come.


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Snowmobilers on one of the many trails

Northern Lights

Fresh Snow 

For more information and reservations please contact:
Labrador Adventures & outfitting Ltd.
C/O Edward & Cavell Burke
P.O. Box 1087
Wabush, NL
Canada, A0R-1B0

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